Solitude #6 was last night. I really don't understand racing at all. Last night my legs were tired from the big rides this weekend. My start was pure crap, I got blown to near the back of a 22 rider field before the singletrack even started. On the first switchback I had to CX it through the pileup of knuckleheads who never seem to learn they need to save just a little bit for that first section. Oh, and I'm not very good at CX'ing it. Soon after that I got caught behind another slow mover and went lethargic just spinning along. Chris caught up to me a little later and was smart enough to ask the guy to let us pass. I don't know why I do that but I'm content to spin behind people for way too long. Chris and I got by and I was fully recovered from chilling behind the slow guy so I got out of the saddle and Andy Schleck'd it for the next little bit up the mountain till I got stuck behind somebody else. By this point I was rollin' so I asked him for a pass pretty quick and as he eased over I got around in the weeds. Soon after I got around Janelle and then Jody and some other dudes in my class. Hit the road, Big Ringed it across and caught Ken but I was blown and couldn't hold him off heading into the DH. I sucked ass on the the DH and he gapped me but I kept him in sight hoping to bridge back up on the climb. My legs were AWOL on the second climb. I would come close to catching back on to Ken but then I would screw up a section and lose him. I finally caught back on through the steep switchbacks on the ski run but then screwed up the short steep pitch and lost him again. Caught him again at the road and poured it on to get a big enough gap to hold him on the DH. Didn't even need the gap because I shredded the DH Sly Style. I ended up 6th out of 22 with my best time ever.
That's where the clueless part comes in. I had a horrible start and it wasn't until 1/3 of the way up the first climb that I woke up. Then I had a crappy 1st Dh and a stinker 2nd climb yet I still had my best time ever. Last week my legs felt great the whole time and I rode pretty well yet was a minute slower. What gives?
February Was Frostbike Time
5 hours ago